
Bayat Foundation Donation to Khwaja Abdullah Ansari Girls and Boys Orphanage in Kabul

Washing Machine and supplies, clothing items, undergarments, shoes, hygiene items, first-aid supplies, kitchen supplies, building necessities and carpets were amongst only a few of the items Bayat Foundation donated to Khwaja Abdullah Ansari Girls and Boys Orphanage.These donated items will provide these children the basic necessities to complete their living space and to maintain proper […]


2022 Bayat Foundation Ramadan Drive in Bamiyan Province

Bayat Foundation distributed flour, rice, and oil to 177 destitute families in Bamiyan during the last few blessed nights of Ramadan, in a joint effort with The Afghan Peaks Charitable Trust.We would like to thank The Afghan Peaks Charitable Trust , their generous donors, and the dedicated skiiers for their continued efforts toward supporting impoverished […]